Sunday, November 4, 2012

OF CHAFF AND FIRE: an explanation of a burning heart

This is where I will be recoding my journey on the road to becoming one of God's burning hearts. What is a burning heart? Well I'm still finding out myself, but put simply a burning heart is a heart that is filled with a fire for God's glory that burns away all other desires. 

 For a long time I have called myself a Christian, claimed salvation by the covering of Christ's blood, but I have lived a lukewarm life, a comfortable "chocholate" Christianity.

 "So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." Revelation 3:16 

 *gulp* Uh... ok. So I started to think being lukewarm is probably not a good idea (that's God speaking in that verse in case that wasn't clear). God began convicting me of my wishy-washy version of Christianity with a lot of different voices (which I will share on this blog in the hope that it would convict you, my reader, as they have done to me) and giving me a growing desire to live differently, to live out a hot, militant, burning version of Christianity. So now comes an obvious question: how? 

"His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire." Luke 3:17

Now a quick lesson in ancient Hebrew agriculture. 

When wheat is harvested is is gathered into bundles and beaten over and over until all the grain is released, and then the stalk and husks i.e. "chaff" is thrown away and burned. This is a metaphor. Of us. Sounds like fun huh?

Well, ok, maybe not fun, per se, but it is beautiful. This is where a Burning Heart is born, when we offer up ourselves in totality for the purging of sin in our lives. 

So now I pray, every day, that God would reveal the chaff in my life and that it would be burnt away. This is the practical, nity-grity answer to our question. We must die, every day, giving up that which we have been clinging to, and seeking only the glory of our precious Lord and Savior. 

This is what this blog will be about; how God is burning away the chaff in my life, in the hope that it will encourage you, my reader, to pray that same prayer. 

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